Banco de Desarrollo de China y el Grupo Financiero Banorte firmaron un
importante acuerdo de cooperación con el objetivo de sentar las bases
para que ambas instituciones puedan reunirse recíprocamente con sus
clientes, principalmente en China, México y Estados Unidos, aprovechando
las plataformas de negocio de Ambas instituciones.De
esta firma, el Banco de Desarrollo de China construirá plataformas de
negocios, la fortaleza de Banorte en México y los Estados Unidos, y más
de 1.100 sucursales y 4.000 cajeros automáticos en todo el país, para
las empresas chinas tienen acceso a productos y servicios tales como
cuentas bancarias, Transferencias internacionales, cambio de moneda y remesas, entre otros.El acuerdo fue firmado por el Sr. Li Weibin, Director General del
Banco de Desarrollo de la República de China y por la Sra. Aurora
Cervantes, Directora General Legal Banorte.Ese
acuerdo también incluye clientes corporativos que hacen referencia
tanto al Banco de Desarrollo de China a Banorte (cuando estos clientes
tienen operaciones en México), como al Banorte Development Bank de
China, en el caso de compañías mexicanas que tienen operaciones en el
gigante asiático. Esto con el objetivo de promover y dirigir flujos de recursos
mexicanos, chinos y asiáticos a través de cuentas corrientes, servicios
de pago y cambio de divisas, entre otros.Esta
firma abre el camino para que las dos instituciones exploren los
mecanismos de financiación y la promoción de la inversión, especialmente
en la infraestructura, área donde el Banco de Desarrollo de China tiene
una amplia experiencia, buscar Banorte mismo complemento. Esto abre la puerta a Banorte para que usted pueda desempeñar un papel
importante en la estructuración de financiamiento para proyectos de
infraestructura en México, para involucrar al Banco de Desarrollo de
China como acreedor e inversionista.Recuerde que México está desarrollando el más ambicioso programa de
infraestructura en los últimos años, y la unión de fuerzas entre las
instituciones asociadas, sin duda resultará en grandes beneficios para
el desarrollo del país.El acuerdo también incluye un programa de capacitación e intercambio
cultural a través del cual los ejecutivos de ambos bancos en una visita
recíproca de las instituciones de ambas instituciones para compartir
experiencias y conocimientos que les llevó a una posición de liderazgo
en sus respectivos países.Significativamente, este es el primer acuerdo firmado con un banco
Banorte de la República de China, que además del banco mexicano ha
firmado con importantes instituciones en España, Japón y Brasil, con el
mismo propósito: servir a su clientela en México.La
firma del acuerdo se llevó a cabo en el marco de la XIX Reunión
Plenaria México Business Committee - China organizada por el Consejo
Empresarial Mexicano para el Comercio Exterior (COMCE) y ProMéxico,
Inversión y Comercio, presidido por los propietarios de la ley, Valentin
Diez Morodo y Bruno Ferrari respectivamente.
Enrique Peña Nieto initiated contacts for the Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China (ICBC, for its acronym in English)) has the possibility
to open a subsidiary in Mexico.
The transition team said the PRI held a private meeting with the president of the Board of ICBC, Jiang Jianqing.
president-elect said the Chinese bank will support the new government
of Mexico to that in the short term may establish a subsidiary in the
country," reads the statement released by the team Peña Nieto.
detailed that, in the management of ICBC, the president-elect said his
administration will "firm intention" to encourage foreign investment.
in the country operate under a similar figure the Bank of
Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Bank of America-Merrill Lynch Mexico, The Bank of New
York Mellon, and The Royal Bank of Scotland, which, although they are
registered as subsidiaries Its operation is completely determined by the
head office.
Also during the meeting, Pena made an
award for development that ICBC has achieved over the management of
Jiang Jianqing, "to become the most profitable bank and the largest in
the world by market capitalization, and in 2011 ranked first worldwide
profits, which amounted to more than 33,000 million dollars. "
Here, the next Chief Executive expressed his intention to boost bilateral economic exchanges with other nations.
the meeting, the President-elect asked the manager of ICBC transmit to
new Chinese Communist Party authorities appreciation for the "successful
conclusion of the XVIII Congress and his commitment that the next
government of Mexico will seek to raise further over the level of
bilateral relations with the Asian nation, in all areas. "
Peña Nieto accompanied him to the meeting the deputy coordinator of
International Affairs government transition team, Emilio Lozoya Austin.
Meanwhile, the Chinese delegation were present Wu Bin, manager of ICBC
International Banking; Zhenjun Wang, general manager of the institution;
Gang Zeng, Chinese ambassador to Mexico, and Hu Hao and Gao Chong,
secretary and assistant to the president of Board of ICBC, respectively.
first assignment to be fulfilled Enrique Peña Nieto (PRI) upon taking
office on 1 December will present its draft budget package for fiscal
2013, which must be approved in record time.
As with
every start of six years, the adoption of the law of income and
Expenditure Budget should be conducted via fast track by the Congress,
as it only has a few weeks to do this. The Federal Executive shall
transmit to the House and Senate economic package on or before December
15, as required by the Constitution
The China Development Bank
(China Development Bank) and Grupo Financiero Banorte signed an
important cooperation agreement with the aim of laying the groundwork
for both institutions to meet reciprocally
their customers, primarily in China, Mexico and the United States,
taking advantage of business platforms of both institutions.
this firm, the China Development Bank will build business platforms,
the strength of Banorte in Mexico and the United States, and more than
1,100 branches and 4,000 ATMs throughout the country, for companies
Chinese have access to products and services such as bank accounts,
international transfers, currency exchange and remittances, among
The agreement was signed by Mr. Li Weibin,
Director General of the Development Bank of the Republic of China and by
Ms Aurora Cervantes, Director General Legal Banorte.
agreement also includes corporate clients referencing both the China
Development Bank to Banorte (when these customers have operations in
Mexico), and Banorte Development Bank of China, in the case of Mexican
companies that have operations in the Asian giant. This with the aim of
promoting and directing resource flows Mexican, Chinese, and Asian
Americans through checking accounts, payment services and currency
exchange, among others.
This signature opens the way
for the two institutions to explore funding mechanisms and promotion of
investment, especially in infrastructure, area where China Development
Bank has extensive experience, seek Banorte same complement. This opens
the door to Banorte so you can play an important role in structuring
financing for infrastructure projects in Mexico, to engage the China
Development Bank as creditor and investor.
that Mexico is developing the most ambitious infrastructure program in
recent years, and the joining of forces between the partner
institutions, will certainly result in great benefits for the country's
The agreement also includes a training
program and cultural exchange through which the executives of both banks
on a reciprocal visit the facilities of both institutions to share
experiences and knowledge that led them to a leadership position in
their respective countries .
Significantly, this is
the first agreement signed with a bank Banorte's Republic of China,
which is in addition to the Mexican bank has signed with major
institutions in Spain, Japan and Brazil, with the same purpose: to serve
their clientele in Mexico.
The signing of the
agreement took place in the framework of the XIX Plenary Meeting Mexico
Business Committee - China organized by the Mexican Business Council for
Foreign Trade (COMCE) and ProMéxico, Investment and Commerce, chaired
by the owners act, Valentin Diez Morodo and Bruno Ferrari respectively.